Harriet Evelyn Wallace Scholarship

The Harriet Evelyn Wallace scholarship was established from a bequest given to AGI by Harriet Evelyn Wallace, who was one of the founding members of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS). This scholarship is for the support of female graduate students in the United States studying the geosciences. Each year, we receive over a hundred applications and name one Master's student and one Ph.D. student a $5,000 scholarship. All successful Wallace Scholars are allowed to apply for a second $5,000 scholarship, as long as they are still enrolled as a full-time student within a graduate degree program in the geosciences.

The scholarship has been instrumental in helping women geoscientists to conduct independent research, including purchase of necessary equipment for fieldwork, participation in professional training programs, and logistical support. Thanks to this scholarship, alums of the program were able to pursue their dreams — becoming accomplished geoscientists.

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