AGI Scholarship for Advancing Diversity in the Geoscience Profession

Two smiling college-age women in lab coats and protective eyewear conducting research in a laboratory.

The AGI Scholarship for Advancing Diversity in the Geoscience Profession is established by AGI to encourage and enable a minority student to successfully pursue a career in the geosciences beyond the undergraduate level. This one-time, merit-based scholarship invites applications from students who are Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Color in the United States studying the geosciences. To be eligible for this $5,000 scholarship, a student must be an undergraduate enrolled in a recognized geoscience program, under two semesters from receiving a bachelor’s degree in a geoscience, and self-identified as being of a minority background underrepresented in the geosciences.

The scholarship is designed to attract and advance students underrepresented in the geosciences and help them make the critical transition from undergraduate to graduate studies. By supporting this scholarship, you can help a qualified minority student achieve his or her goal — to become a professional geoscientist.

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